Program Manager – IFAD Funded projects

Job Ref No 004 | Published on Nov 22, 2023 08:00 AM

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Job Category:

 Cordaid Rwanda Salary Scale Grade 10

Duty Station:

 Kigali, RW

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Salary Scale:

 Not Specified


 Dec 04, 2023 11:55 PM

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Age Limit:

 Not Specified

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Job Title                                                        Program Manager – IFAD Funded projects

Organizational Unit                                   Rwanda Country Office

Job's aim                                                    Is responsible for the project results, and business development.

Job Specification                                       Spends 90% of time of program management and implementation responsibility for IFAD Funded projects                                                                         and 10% of time on acquisition and business development for Rwanda in collaboration with other                                                                                       business developers in the cluster and Cordaid.

Aim of the Organizational Unit                 Is responsible for realization of Program targets

Supervisor                                                  Rwanda Country Manager

Job category/Grade                                   Grade RW 10

Supervisor                                                   Rwanda Country Manager

Supervises                                                  Staff in the program: Project Coordinators, Project Officers, MEL Advisor, Business development Advisor.

Key Duties & Responsibilities

Result area                                    

Funds mobilization                               Lead the development and writing of successful funding development and budget.                                                                               Interacts with (potential) local/institutional donors, convincingly argumenting the added value of Cordaid as to                                                                   acquire funds and ensure the future funding for the programme(s) in Rwanda. This includes increasing                                                                             revenues, growth in terms of business expansion, increasing profitability by building strategic partnerships and                                                                 making  strategic business decisions.

Bid management                                  Leads the bid project of calls for proposals and tenders related to the assigned specific donor portfolio. Leads                                                                   negotiations for specific assigned bids. As manager of the bid team provides donor specific advice on rules,                                                                     regulations and policy. Uses donor contacts to ensure the winning outcome of calls and proposals. Oversees                                                                   (parts of) the role division, planning and communication with donors and a consortium in order to achieve a                                                                       positive outcome for Cordaid.

Project plan                                         Translates the Cordaid project results into specific results in designated project areas and formulates an                                                                           operational project plan within a country/region. Remains within budget propositions and infrastructural                                                                              possibilities.

Project Management                            Manages the project with respect to risks, stakeholders, issues and the project team. Agrees with all                                                                                  contributors to project success deliverables, with a large amount of intercultural sensitivity. 

                                                             Understands partners and matches desired results and contextual factors. Stimulates progress and makes                                                                      necessary adjustments to realize the project within given boundary conditions; scope, time, budget and quality.

Financial management                         Manages the project budget ensuring expenditures are in line with what has been planned for. Reports regularly                                                                on budget realization and acts proactively to comply with the budget.

Field & Partner visits                             Monitors the achievements of projects within the field  with partners, reviews field reports, analyzes field data                                                                    and formulates conclusions, discussion points and recommendations for all stakeholders.

Supported partners                              Identifies the need for support with partner organizations and translates this into (customised) forms of support,                                                               taking into account (large differences in) the background and circumstances of (individuals in) partner                                                                               organizations.

Network representation                        Identifies and establishes contacts with organizations and explores representation for potential areas for                                                                           collaboration, taking into account the mission statement of Cordaid and the possibilities within existing projects.

Project reports                                     Collects information within the project and reports about the results, specifics, budget and expenditures and                                                                     possible deviations following required reporting standards, providing solutions to minimize impact of deviations.

Monitoring, Evaluation &Learning       Leads the development of project learning identifying opportunities for learning, research                                                                                                    and publications and implementation of MEL policy. Facilitates the dissemination of promising practices                                                                            and lessons learned. Ensure integration of innovations and best practices.  

Personnel management                     Leads and coaches the multidisciplinary, intercultural and inter-gender project team on a day to day basis in                                                                     accordance with the management style of Cordaid, focused on productivity, the professional development of staff                                                             and employee satisfaction. Coaches staff and leaves room for professional freedom to determine how to execute                                                             the work. Builds on the strengths and talents of staff members to improve team performance. Emphasis team                                                                   work, project based working and commitment. Ensures efficient use of resources and controls quality of work.

Integrity                                              Showcases integrity standards as outlined in Cordaid’s integrity policies. Fulfills integrity responsibilities as                                                                       outlined in Cordaid’s Integrity Framework and Standard Operating Procedures. Actively contributes to a safe                                                                     environment within their scope of influence by encouraging dialogue, trust, as well as understanding and                                                                           adherence to Cordaid’s integrity standards and procedures. This is a medium-risk position, with direct contact                                                                   with vulnerable communities and regular travels.

Sub-office management                     Coordinates the different projects in the sub-office including security management and the management of                                                                       support staff.

Other                                                  Any other duties assigned by the Manager


Knowledge, Skills, and Experiences

  • Master's Degree + 5 years’ experience in project management preferred -Bachelor's Degree + 7 years’ experience required in the fields of Economics, Statistics, Agribusiness, Business Management, Marketing, Finance and Accounting or related fields.
  • Knowledge of management and coaching styles, project management, international cooperation with local partners, country/region of the Country Office, techniques, reporting standards and languages.
  • At least 4 years of experience in managing professional projects and/or (sub-)offices of international organizations or companies.
  • Knowledge of the project field of expertise for example agriculture/health/economy or other relevant subject on an academic level and able to provide technical solutions
  • Social skills to agree on deliverables, ensure progress with staff and to support partners
  • Behavioral values and skills: trust, accountability, problem solving, cooperation, teambuilding, negotiation, conflict management, collaboration, flexibility, creativity
  • Writing skills to clearly formulate project proposals, project plan and project reports
  • Knowledge of the legal framework that governs Cordaid’s operations, as required by local and national government and by major donors (EU, UN, US, Bilateral Donors) 
  • Knowledge of the mission statement and goals of the Cordaid project and the security policy

Others/Extra Details

Core Competencies

  • Quality orientation
  • Organizational awareness including planning
  • Negotiation skills
  • Dealing with details
  • Problem analysis
  • Conceptual thinking
  • Social awareness
  • Intercultural orientation
  • Managing conflict
  • Coaching

Cordaid is fully committed to provide a safe and welcoming workplace to its employees, and to maintain respect and dignity of everyone that comes into contact with Cordaid. Therefore, Cordaid participates in the Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. For more information about Cordaid’s work on integrity

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